Christmas fundraising campaign 2020
Especially this year Reckmann GmbH wants to support where help is urgently needed. We have made it our business to take on social responsibility, especially in our region, and to actively campaign for climate protection.
In particular the year 2020 has shown how important it is to live solidarity in difficult times. Due to reduced working hours or employment bans, many people are in need and have too little to share. This is also why Aid organizations are now depending more than ever on donations.
For this reason we donated a certain sum to various organizations as part of our fundraising campaign.
Our donations go to ‘Aktion Lichtblicke e.V.’, which helps children in need and their families in our region, the ‘Sternentreppe’ children's and youth hospice service of Caritas,“ Doctors Without Borders“ and the marine protection organization „Sea Shepherd“